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About Bill

While managing claims for insurance carriers, William Mullen handled all Highly Protective Risk (HPR) losses as well as Industrial & Manufacturing risk losses.

Bill then spent the best part of his career as an independent
adjuster for one of the top USA based multinational loss adjusting firms, he handled and managed both domestic and international property accounts as an Executive General Adjuster.

Bill has been involved in numerous Catastrophe losses starting in 1983 Hurricane Alicia through to Hurricane Maria in 2018 and is also currently serving as a referee & 3rd umpire on many appraisals in the United States.

Significant Claims Handled Worldwide

  • Manufacturing Facility: Explosion/Fire Damage $85,000,000
  • Manufacturing Facility: Riot(s) $3,000,000
  • Telecommunications Cell Tower(s) in Mexico: Hurricane
    Collapse/Damage $25,000,000
  • Utilities: Flood damage $10,000,000
  • Co-Generation Plants: Explosion & Fire Damage(s)
  • Apartment Complex(es): Hurricane Damages $28,000,000

Classes of Business


  • Property
  • Casualty
  • Natural Resources

Credentials & Affiliations


  • Registered Professional Adjuster
    (#1476) Licensed in TX (and other
    reciprocating states)

  • Past President - NE Claims
    Executive Association

  • Associate Member - Loss Executive

  • Member - NE Claims Executive

  • Member - Blue Goose International

  • Member - Sunrise Rotary Club of
    Plymouth, MA

  • Member - International Institute of
    Loss Adjusters

  • Member Insurance Appraisal and
    Umpire Association, Inc. - Certified
    Professional Appraiser and Umpire CPAU